Flamenco has always been a place of refuge where it has allowed me to get lost in its art.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing treatment, Flamenco continued to be my sanctuary.

At the time, everything seemed so gloomy, but my moments of happiness would be when my mind would escape to the vibrant dresses, heartfelt music, and captivating dance.

This awakened creativity, hidden skills, and motivation to create FlaMona; a brand carefully designed and handmade for all proud flamenco dancers.

As I continue my battle, I hope this brand will represent perseverance, determination, hope, resilience and more, because we all have the internal power to dictate how we face adversities.

The flourishment of this brand would not be possible without the help of my father Francisco assisting with production, mother Gladis managing orders and my sister, Margarita, assuring it gets to your hands :)

They are absolutely amazing and wonderful, I am eternally grateful for their support.

by: Cristabel